Giving Opportunities
We Thank You For Your Interest In Giving An Offering Or Donation To Help Ecclesia Church.
General Offering
Like you, we desire to see Christ centered care for our communities. A place where sound teaching through Biblical doctrine and practice will make disciples worthy of our calling. Our focus is to equip the local church to serve, cultivate Christ centered families, and evangelize to those who have not heard the message of Jesus in our community.
If God has placed it on your heart to give an offering to help us succeed in this, please give as you are able.
Building Acquisition Gift
UPDATE: Through the help of many generous donations, we have met the financial goal needed to obtain our church building! We are thankful for all who contributed and prayed, and look forward to using this resource as a means to continue spreading the gospel in our community!
If you still wish to help Ecclesia further, we will have repairs that need to be done to the building over the next few months, so you can still use the donate button below to continue supporting us in those costs.
Over the past five years, by the grace and providence of God, we’ve grown from a small church plant into a church who is now on the verge of obtaining our very own church building, in a community that needs the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We are only about $20,000 shy of meeting our financial goal to obtain this property. We trust that through your prayers and financial donations we will meet this goal.
If God has placed it on your heart to give to our building acquisition fund, please give as you are able.